MRC Centre for Virus Research (MRC CVR) - COVID-19

Grant number: MC_PC_19026

Grant search

Key facts

  • Disease

  • Start & end year

  • Known Financial Commitments (USD)

  • Funder

    UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
  • Principal Investigator

  • Research Location

    United Kingdom
  • Lead Research Institution

    MRC - University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR)
  • Research Priority Alignment

  • Research Category

    Pathogen: natural history, transmission and diagnostics

  • Research Subcategory

    Pathogen genomics, mutations and adaptations

  • Special Interest Tags


  • Study Type


  • Clinical Trial Details


  • Broad Policy Alignment


  • Age Group

    Not Applicable

  • Vulnerable Population

    Not applicable

  • Occupations of Interest

    Not applicable


This award is being made in recognition that key Centre staff have been redeployed from their usual work, and Centre resources utilised, to contribute to the first phase of a rapid research response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The MRC Centre for Virus Research at the University of Glasgow (CVR) represents the UK's largest grouping of human and veterinary virologists. The Centre has contributed expertise to recent Ebola outbreaks, and is now working on SARS-CoV2 with £0.5m of supplementary funding. Working in collaboration with the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre, CVR researchers completed the genomic sequencing and analysis of Scotland's first confirmed Covid-19 case within 48 hours of diagnosis.

Publicationslinked via Europe PMC

Event rates and incidence of post-COVID-19 condition in hospitalised SARS-CoV-2 positive children and young people and controls across different pandemic waves: exposure-stratified prospective cohort study in Moscow (StopCOVID).

Evolution of enhanced innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants.

Resurrection of 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase 1 (OAS1) from the ancestor of modern horseshoe bats blocks SARS-CoV-2 replication.

Phenotyping the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 variants in hamsters by digital pathology and machine learning.

Quantifying neutralising antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2 in dried blood spots (DBS) and paired sera.

SARS-CoV-2 variants evolve convergent strategies to remodel the host response.

Multiplexed Biosensing of Proteins and Virions with Disposable Plasmonic Assays.

Increase in SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in UK Domestic Felids Despite Weak Immunogenicity of Post-Omicron Variants.

Immunological imprinting of humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in children.