Interactive Charts
Visualise our data on research grants for infectious diseases with pandemic potential using filters and searches.
We bring together grant information on all diseases on the current WHO R&D Blueprint Priority Disease List plus Pandemic Influenza, Mpox and Plague.
Research Categories
Charts showing the grants assigned to twelve research categories with respective subcategories to enable our users to compare and contrast the volume and value of grants going into different areas of research.
Clinical Research
Explore how clinical research funding is allocated across various trial phases and diseases to support clinical trial activities.
Geographical Distribution
Charts showing the location of funding organisations and where the funding flows to support research activities. charts can be visualised at the level of the WHO regions or individual countries.
Annual Trends
Charts for trends in research funding for selected diseases, research categories and other items by year starting from 2020, to align with the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Policy Roadmaps
Coming soon: Alignment of research grant data to research agendas and policy roadmaps eg. 100 Days Mission.
Global annual funding for research on diseases with a pandemic potential
Total number of grants and US dollars committed for each disease
Hide COVID-19
No data available due to applied filters.
Please note: Grants may fall under more than one disease. Funding amounts are included only when they have been published by the funder and are included within the year of the grant award start date.
Global Distribution of Grants by Research Area
The chart shows the total amount of funding allocated for different research areas for all diseases. Use filters on the left for advanced filtering depending on your interests. Use the 'View sub-categories' buttons to explore the sub-categories.
Number of Grants
Known Financial Commitments (USD)
No data available due to applied filters.
Please note: Grants may fall under more than one research category, and funding amounts are included only when they have been published by the funder.
Distribution of Clinical Research Grants by Clinical Trial Phase
The chart shows the number of grants awarded and the total funding allocated for clinical research across all diseases, categorized by trial intervention focus. Hover over each stacked bar to see a detailed breakdown by focus. Use the ‘View Categories’ button to explore clinical trial phases in more detail by intervention focus.
Number of grants
Known Financial Commitments (USD)
Note that some clinical research may fall under multiple categories; although, these overlaps are not explicitly shown. For diagnostic trials, preclinical studies are not included in the data presented.
Global Map of Geographical Distribution of Funding Organisations OR Research Locations
The information on the research location was collected where available from the grant application, and can be different to the location of research institution. Click on a country to see country-specific grant information (including joint-funded grants).
WHO Regions
No data available due to applied filters.
Please note: Funding amounts are included only when they have been published by the funder. Some research projects are undertaken in multiple locations (countries). Some are funded by multiple funders, the breakdown of joint-funded projects can be found when selecting a country and 'show joint-funded countries'. Where research location is not explicitly specified the default used is the location of the research institution receiving the funds.
Annual Trends in New Global Grants for Research Areas
The chart shows the total amount of funding allocated to different research areas by calendar year of award start date.
No data available due to applied filters.
Please note: Grants may fall under more than one research category. Funding amounts are included only when they have been published by the funder and are included within the year of the grant award start date.