Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP)

  • Funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
  • Total publications:16 publications

Grant number: ES/M010163/1

Grant search

Key facts

  • Disease

  • Start & end year

  • Funder

    UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
  • Principal Investigator

  • Research Location

    United Kingdom
  • Lead Research Institution

    Keele University
  • Research Priority Alignment

  • Research Category

    Secondary impacts of disease, response & control measures

  • Research Subcategory


  • Special Interest Tags


  • Study Type


  • Clinical Trial Details


  • Broad Policy Alignment


  • Age Group

    Not Applicable

  • Vulnerable Population

    Not applicable

  • Occupations of Interest

    Not applicable


New work is being developed with Marit Hammond and Brian Doherty, working with CUSP Fellows Graham Smith, Graham Hayes, and Clare Saunders, collaborating with Extinction Rebellion (XR) on the role of XR pre, during and post COVID.

Publicationslinked via Europe PMC

Flow Experiences in Shopping Activities: Testing Materialistic Goal Orientation as an Antecedent.

Self-transcendent experiences as promoters of ecological wellbeing? Exploration of the evidence and hypotheses to be tested.

The Influence of Framing Plant-Based Products in Terms of Their Health vs. Environmental Benefits: Interactions with Individual Wellbeing.

Going Green Post COVID-19: Employer Perspectives on Skills Needs.

Materialistic value orientation and wellbeing.

A critique of the marketisation of long-term residential and nursing home care.

The Problematic Role of Materialistic Values in the Pursuit of Sustainable Well-Being.

Neoliberal economics, planetary health, and the COVID-19 pandemic: a Marxist ecofeminist analysis.

Ensuring a Post-COVID Economic Agenda Tackles Global Biodiversity Loss.